
360° impact sound analysis of ball mills

Do you already have enough in­for­ma­tion on your grind­ing pro­cess? Simply put, SMARTFILL pro­vides you with in­for­ma­tion, the key to suc­cess.

SMARTFILL provides you with information on
fill level of each chamber
shell & material temperature
wear out of the mill’s internals
impact point of balls
Information that enables you to
increase the mill’s throughput
reduce the costs for maintenance
reduce the specific energy consumption
yield a more consistent product quality & ensure the desired product quality


Learn more
metric tons of C02 saved per year / SMARTFILL and MILLMASTER Package


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Any questions? Just give us a call
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In order to op­ti­mise grind­ing pro­cess­es, it is nec­es­sary to mea­sure the most im­por­tant pa­ram­e­ter—the fill level—as pre­cise­ly as pos­si­ble. This key pa­ram­e­ter can­not be mea­sured di­rect­ly, it needs to be de­ter­mined by acous­tic or vi­bra­tion mea­sure­ment. Be­cause of the ob­vi­ous dis­ad­van­tages pre­vi­ous mea­sur­ing meth­ods (like mi­cro­phones) are quite use­less for now­a­days needs. Due to mea­sur­ing the sound di­rect­ly where it oc­curs (on the mill shell), all these dis­ad­van­tages can be avoid­ed. The so­lu­tion is SMARTFILL™—a fail-safe, high-pre­ci­sion fill lev­el and tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ment sys­tem for ball mills.

High-precision measurement of fill levels
  • easy installation
  • zero crosstalk
  • free frequency band
  • almost no maintenance
  • process interface (4—20 mA)
  • up to 3 sensors of free choice
  • up to 16 product types
  • industrial proved: IP65 / Atex
  • mill mounted (self-powered)
How SMARTFILL improves your production process

In­cor­po­rat­ing the pre­cise re­sults in­to your grind­ing pro­cess is di­rect­ly im­prov­ing your pro­duc­tion pro­cess. In or­der to achieve this im­prove­ment you per­ma­nent­ly need to ad­just the mill’s feed. While keep­ing the fill lev­el at the op­ti­mum, the grind­ing pro­cess be­comes sta­ble.

A good op­er­a­tor, for ex­am­ple, takes care of the fill lev­el and man­u­al­ly changes the fresh feed.

SMARTFILL’s range of application:
All kinds of industrial ball mills or grinding of

  • cement
  • limestone
  • coal
  • gold ore
  • iron ore
  • aluminium oxyde

Using an au­to­mat­ic con­trol­ler pro­vides you with even more ad­van­tages and con­ve­nience. Au­to­mat­ic con­trol re­li­ably com­pen­sat­es dis­tur­bances like strong dif­fer­ences in raw ma­te­ri­al qual­i­ty and pre­vents over­fill­ing. These ad­van­tages are based on a fact. The au­to­mat­ic con­trol­ler is re­act­ing fast and pre­cise on con­cur­rent events, tak­ing the cor­rect de­ci­sion at any time.

In addition you achieve a high product homogeneity, ensuring an increased product quality.

Mi­cro­phones are a thing of the past. The guid­ing tech­nol­o­gy of to­day is called SMARTFILLTM. The mar­ket lead­ers have de­cid­ed al­ready.

SMARTFILL(TM), highly precise FILL-LEVEL MEASUREMENT for ball mills
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