
Process optimisation control system

Process optimization to your needs.
Powerful and flexible high end control system

Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Process Control

high availability

flexible deployment

easy integration

modular design

Flexible deployment

SMARTCONTROL is a power­ful and flex­ible soft­ware sys­tem, suit­able for con­trol­ling many tech­ni­cal pro­cesses due to its modu­lar design. SMARTCONTROL pro­vides a large series of “build­ing blocks”.

All blocks can be com­bined in or­der to build so­phis­ti­cat­ed closed loop con­trol sys­tems for pro­cess in­dus­tries.

Handling of these blocks is very easy, main­ly by graphi­cal ma­nipu­la­tion and pa­ram­eterisa­tion of these blocks. In order to create con­trol loops there are no pro­gram­ming skills re­quired. The struc­tures are sim­ply cre­ated via ‘drag and drop’ of con­nec­tions be­tween blocks and/or sig­nals.

Modular design
  • digital filters
  • predictors
  • closed loop controllers
  • fuzzy-expert systems
  • programming blocks

Any questions? Just give us a call
+49 2463 9967 0

Easy integration

SMARTCONTROL is run­ning on a Windows server hard­ware, which is con­nected to the plant’s PLC via OPC-proto­col. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and op­era­tion is per­formed trans­par­ent­ly via the ex­ist­ing SCADA of the plant, or by SMARTCONTROL’s easy to use visu­ali­sa­tion.

Operator screens

An op­tion­al way to op­er­ate and moni­tor your pro­cess is to de­sign clear­ly ar­ranged user inter­faces. SMARTCONTROL gives you the op­por­tu­nity to de­sign an easy to use inter­face with mod­ern dis­play and trend­ing el­ements.

Predefined strategies

Beside the basic build­ing blocks, sev­er­al pre­defined com­plex con­trol strat­egies are avail­able. Kima can also de­vel­op a spe­cial adapt­ed con­trol fit­ting to your needs. We will also pro­vide a mo­del of your pro­cess for pre­dic­tive con­trol.

Available technology modules
  • ball mills
  • vertical roller mills
  • roller presses
  • hot gas generators
Brochures & Downloads