Kilncooler Stationary

Infrared controlled
kiln shell – water cooling

Taking a look at classic solutions

Due to the in­creas­ing us­age of sec­ond­ary fu­els, which are rel­a­tive­ly in­ho­mo­ge­neous, there are more fluc­tu­a­tions in the burn­ing pro­cess. This leads to an in­creas­ed bur­den on the re­frac­to­ry and the kiln shell—hot spots may oc­cur. In or­der to re­duce this bur­den, large cooling fans, which blow am­bi­ent air, are wide­ly used.

Aircooling using fans has significant disadvantages
  • due to the low heat capacity of air a huge throughput is needed
  • the consumption of electrical energy is high
  • the cooling cannot be targeted specifically to a hot spot on a circumference
  • fans emit a substantial amount of noise


A fixed installation
covering 10 meters and up.


A mobile unit
covering 2.5 meters.

How Kilncooler improves
the carbon footprint

Learn more
metric tons of C02 saved per year / KILNCOOLER Stationary
Efficiency by water cooling

To overcome these dis­ad­van­tages KIMA‘s KILNCOOLER uses water­spray noz­zles and pre­cise dosing valves, which are con­trolled by an in­fra­red tem­per­a­ture sensor. The water­spray of an in­di­vid­u­al noz­zle is onlyactivated while its in­fra­red sen­sor de­tects a hot spot.

The waterspray cooling is efficient and “on the spot”.

  • efficient cooling
  • flexible usage for hot spots and complete kilns
  • ready-to-use modules
  • easy installation or relocation
  • targeted cooling on kiln‘s circumference
  • low noise emission

Any questions? Just give us a call
+49 2463 9967 0

Basic set-up

The waterspray is controlled by a FUZZY-controller which uses infrared sensors to precisely locate hot spots on a circumference.
This means: only the hot spot is cooled down, not necessarily the entire circumference.
The “hot spot temperature” can be set individually for every nozzle.

Cooling down a hot spot

With the application of KILNCOOLER, a hot spot can be cooled down rap­idly but care­fully, a­void­ing any shrink­age of the kiln shell—cool­ing rate is up to 2 Kelvin per minute.
After cool-down the shell tem­per­a­ture is kept at its nom­i­nal value, thus e­lim­i­nat­ing me­chan­i­cal ten­sions.

Presentation Clip 1
Presentation Clip 2
Setup of the KILNCOOLER mobile
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